Welcome to Priest on Line.org
It is regret I have to tell you that the Priest on Line website is closing down as from January 1st 2025. As a priest I have been serving for the past eighteen years on line, but old age and health are affecting my service to the people I serve. So I am sorry to tell you this, but I do hope you can find another person to help you, yours Brother Stephen. May God be with you and keep you safe.
Thank you to those who have contacted me over the years, God be with you.

Priest online is Closing Down, see above statement
Contact priest online for advice and guidance
Priest online is not connected to any named Christian Church, denomination or church organization. Call as a priest, but I try to serve all who write to me, regardless of their own personal views. My view is all people are my brothers and sisters and do not judge any person.
All Christian churches are as one church and their service upon the earth is only to God and Christ and people. Christ gave these words unto us. As written “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. In keeping within Jesus Christ teachings to us all, I try to help all souls who write to me. Follower or disciple of Christ and I consider all people as my brother and sister.
The words of Christ and His teachings are written for us all to read. We are directed by prayer and by the Holy Spirit of God. As a Christian I follow the teachings of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Contacting me is only by using the email address as given above. You can also write to me at Facebook Meta messages, and all matters discussed are confidential and between us two.
Searching for religious advice from a priest online?
My service is for any person in need who writes to me and this is as Christ taught us all. Although I am a priest, I am not called father. My service is as a disciple of Christ and I am therefore brother Stephen. In keeping as a Christian and disciple of Christ any person can contact me.
Jesus Christ taught us to help all people in need and I will and reply back to you. While in life Christ talked to every person in need, be that Jew, Gentile or Roman. In Mark 16:15 Christ taught the disciples to go to the world and this my service to you. Christ gave us a new commandment, “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 13:34.
Over the years I have studied many religions and their histories. Serving online I can only teach the words and teachings of Jesus Christ as written and given in the New Testament of the Bible.
This is a Priest online statement:
Subject to daily demand I will always reply to all emails for general use. However, if I have not replied within seven days; then write back. Please use the reference details as sent on any replies, back to you. This is a world-wide website serving all people. Regardless of place and country across the world. Give consideration, because of the world clock time, your time and in my place. I live in the UK. Serving the world please note, I only use email for you to contact me on. I cannot be contacted on Social Media sites, like Twitter. Also because of world demand I do not phone or call upon any person. Generally, I live and work in the UK, but I do have to travel at times.
As a Christian Priest and servant or disciple of Christ, I am called Brother Stephen. Serving all people who write to me by email, regardless of their own denomination, church beliefs or religious views. This is in following Christ teachings to His disciples and the only teachings used are the words and principles taught of Christ. As written within the New Testament of the Bible. Without any false historical fables, erroneous doctrine or traditions created by man’s own thinking or speculation over historical time. Only teaching the true words of Jesus Christ as written and given in the gospel. Christianity is the only one true denomination or church for all people to follow and we should all follow Christ in our daily lives. Christ said unto us, as written; “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6